Know Hemp!

Hemp 101

Hemp is extraordinarily useful, and extremely misunderstood. Let’s explore the facts about this federally legal, climate-smart crop that can be used for everything from nutrition, to construction, to bioplastics!

Hemp History

Hemp and humans go back a long time—at least 10,000 years. Learn the history of this extraordinary crop, and why it’s just as important to civilization now as it was back then.

Hemp Wellness

Cannabis is the only plant in the world that contains cannabinoids. Industrial hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) contains negligible amounts of THC, but it does contain a range of other cannabinoids that have important applicaitons in self-care and wellness.

Hemp Farming

Industrial hemp is not new, but it’s new to most US farmers. Like any crop, there are specific requirements and best practices that if followed give farmers a much better chance at achieveing high yields of commercially viable product.

Hemp Construction

Construction and building materials are some of the fastest-growing markets for industrial hemp in the US. The processing costs are relatively low, and demand is surging for hempcrete, composite hemp “wood” flooring, and hemp insulation. See how hemp can make your home healthy, durable and environmentally responsible.

Hemp Textiles

Awareness of the true costs of fashion are driving a movement towards sustainable clothing and regional supply chains. Textiles and apparel are some of the oldest known uses of hemp, and the global textile supply chain is starting to adopt hemp as major corporations continue to shift to renewables.

Hemp Nutrition

Hemp seeds are one of the healthiest plant-based proteins available. The hemp nutrition market has been one of North America’s biggest hemp markets for the past 20 years, with Canada exporting about $50 M of hemp seed to the US each year. A domestic hemp seed market is beginning to take hold in the US, with farmers and processors expanding acreage and volume.

Industrial Hemp FAQ

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has put together detailed answers to common questions and misconceptions about industrial hemp.

Project Invest in PA Hemp Resources

We’ve put together an amazing set of resources and downloads to help you on your hemp journey. Dive in and check it out!

Family Farms, Sustainable Entrepreneurs, Healthy Communities. Know Hemp!

Know Hemp!
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Created in part with a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

Join PAHIC and benefit from resources, knowledge and a community dedicated to the ongoing success of industrial hemp in Pennsylvania.