Independence Day for Hemp in PA

As the last order of business, on the last business day before a holiday weekend, the PA Senate took a historic step by passing HB967, the house Industrial Hemp Bill. This brings hemp one step from its independence in Pennsylvania. Surprisingly, it’s not that...

PAHIC Represents Hemp at the CWCBExpo

The Pennsylvania Hemp Industry Council set up a booth at the CWCBExpo at the Javits Center in NYC. It was an overall amazing experience. As a business to business show, it showcased the many different aspects and investment opportunities of the emerging cannabis...

PAHIC Hosts Hemp History Week Event at State Capitol

June 6th marks the beginning of the 7th annual Hemp History Week, which is a nationwide effort to educate and promote federal hemp legislation. PAHIC is using the opportunity to hold an educational forum & press conference to encourage the passage of...

Hemp Means Business

PAHIC is a proud partner with the Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo June 15-17 2016. This will be the first time hemp will be included with its own ‘Hemp Means Business’ pavilion and lounge. I’m sure many in that lounge would enjoy cannabis...

Status of Hemp Legislation in PA

Where we stand There seems to be some understandable confusion as to where we stand with hemp legislation in Pennsylvania. The root of this confusion is because there are two different hemp bills that have been making their way through the general assembly. SB50 is...