Hemp History Made in Pennsylvania

Traditionally the first week of June marks the week long ‘Hemp History Week’. The last several years we have hosted events in conjunction with Hemp History Week to not only celebrate the rich history of hemp in PA, but to push for hemp legislation. This...

Lehigh Valley Celebrates Hemp History, Present and Future

When hemp is planted in the Lehigh Valley in May of 2017 it will not be making a brand new debut. No, it is in fact making a long awaited return to the fields it so comfortably inhabited for the better part of two centuries. Today, the plant is utilized heavily in...

Pennsylvania Hemp Industry Council Year in Review

2016 was a big year for Hemp in PA! While there was much disappointment in how the program was ultimately implemented, there was also a lot to celebrate! Here is a look back of all PAHIC accomplished in 2016 and we are ready to continue to fight for farmers,...